Terms Of Service

  1. You need to provide complete and detailed instruction.
  2. You have 18 months to use all the hours you purchased.
  3. We are closed during weekend. Strictly no work!
  4. Upfront paymetn via Paypal, Moneygram.com or Western Union.
  5. You can assign more than 1 task daily
  6. Maximum of 4-6 hours daily will be spent on your project.
  7. Expect 24-hour response time for all emails and Skype messages.

Get Started with A Virtual Assistant

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VA Services

  • Social Media Management
  • Data Entry and Research
  • Transcription
  • Google Docs
  • Document Formatting
  • Online Forms Creation
  • Wordpress On-Page Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • Basic Video and Audio Editing
  • Graphic Design
  • Data Mining & Development
  • Lead Generation